Lex IBC advises on intellectual property law including patents, trade marks, copyright, design, trade secrets and know-how,and other rights, such as domain names and rights on databases.
Lex IBC assists its clients in the phase of acquisition and/or sale of industrial property rights and in the defence of such rights both in court proceedings and arbitral proceedings, at national and international level, and in the UE (OHMI and UE Tribunal of justice and Court of Justice).
Moreover, Lex IBC has experience in defending the image of a person and other personal rights.
Why is it necessary to protect the
intellectual and industrial property
Why is it necessary to protect the
intellectual and industrial property
Protecting the intellectual and industrial property of the company over time means preserving its value.
In fact, the greatest value of companies is now mainly represented by the intangible assets of the company itself, as well as by its know-how.
Not only that: the customers with whom companies work also require that their information be protected as confidential. It is therefore important to manage information appropriately inside the company, as well as to take care of the company name and trademarks.
Different legal tools come into play and many of these tools do not require expensive efforts or large investments. Some require only a little forethought and foresight.
Lex IBC services related to
intellectual and industrial property
Lex IBC services related to
intellectual and industrial property
In this context, Lex IBC deals with both the contractual phase, the pre-litigation and litigation phase, if necessary, and in particular: transfer and protection agreements, trademark and patent licenses, collaboration agreements in the industrial sector, study and implementation of procedures for the protection of know-how in the company, consultancy agreements, confidentiality and information exchange, trademark registration at national and European level, trademark litigation and patent consultancy, counterfeiting actions and description, also in other jurisdictions, if this is more convenient for the client company (with the support of local lawyers), unfair competition disputes including misappropriation of secrets, raiding of employees and independent contractors.